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For up to date information, please see my Google Scholar Profile.

82. O'Neill, C.J., 2024, Slope failure remediation using constrained HVSR inversion techniques, Geophysical Prospecting.

81. O'Neill, C.J., 2023, Compressed sensing reconstruction of sparse geophysical data: an example from regional magnetics, Exploration Geophysics.

80. O'Neill, C.J., 2023. Planet_LB: Lattice-Boltzmann solutions for planetary geodynamics problems. Journal of Open Source Education, 6(66), p.205.
79. Daley, M., Tassell, H., McCarthy, B., O'Neill, C., Saving time and better managing embankment dam safety risks with automated monitoring, In: Proceedings of the 2022 ANCOLD (Australian National Committee on Large Dams) Conference, ANCOLD, Sydney, Australia,  1-15pp.

78. Erkaev, N., Scherf, M., Herbort, O., Lammer, H., Odert, P., Kubyshkina, D., Leitzinger, M., Woitke, P. and O'Neill, C., 2022. Modification of the radioactive heat budget of Earth-like exoplanets by the loss of primordial atmospheres. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (in press).

77. O’Neill, C., Brown, M., Schaefer, B. and Gazi, J.A., 2022. Earth's anomalous middle-age magmatism driven by plate slowdown. Scientific reports, 12(1), pp.1-10.

76. O'Neill, C., Bommas, M., (in review) An assessment of Sentinel-1 radar and Sentinel-2 multispectral data for remote archaeological investigation and preservation: Qubbet el-Hawa, Egypt.

75. O'Neill, C., Chandler-Ho, S., Decreasing water budget of the Australian continent from Grace satellite (in review),

74. Mather, B., Müller, R.D., O’Neill, C., Beall, A., Vervoort, R.W. and Moresi, L., 2022. Constraining the response of continental-scale groundwater flow to climate change. Scientific reports, 12(1), pp.1-16.,

73. O’Neill, C., Aulbach, S., (2022). Destabilisation of deep oxidised mantle drove the great oxidation event. Science Advances 8 (7), DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.abg1626.

72. O'Neill, C. (2021). End‐Member Venusian Core Scenarios: Does Venus Have an Inner Core? Geophysical Research Letters, 48(17), e2021GL095499.

71. Roberts, J., & O'Neill, C., Convection-driven tectonics (in press), In: Comparative tectonism, Eds: Byrne, P., Kilmczak, C., Collins, G.

70. Foley, S. and O'Neill, C., 2021. Ancient continental blocks soldered from below. Nature, 592(7856), pp.692-693. doi:

69. Jansen-Sturgeon, T., Hartig, BAD., Madsen, GJ., Bland, PA., ...O'Neill, C., et al., Recreating the OSIRIS-REx Slingshot Manoeuvre from a Network of Ground-Based Sensors (2020), Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia (2020), 37, e049. doi:10.1017/pasa.2020.36.

68. Fiorentini, M., O'Neill, C., Choi, E., Guiliani, A., Maas, R., Foley, S., Bushveld superplume drove Proterozoic magmatism and metallogenesis in Australia (in press), Scientific Reports,

67. O'Neill, C., Lowman, J., Wasiliev, JM., 2020. The effect of galactic chemical evolution on terrestrial exoplanet composition and tectonics, Icarus 352 (114025)

66. Devillepoix, H., et al., 2020. A Global Fireball Observatory, Planetary and Space Science, 191,

65. O'Neill, C., 2020. Planetary thermal evolution models with tectonic transitions, Planetary and Space Science 192,

64. O'Neill, C., O'Neill, H.StC., Jellinek, AM., 2020, The distribution and variation of radioactive heat producing elements within meteorites, Earth, and planets, Space Science Reviews, 216, 37.

63. O'Neill, C., Marchi, S., Bottke, WB., Fu, R., (2020), The role of impacts on Archaean tectonics, Geology 48 (2): 174–178 (

62. O’Neill, C., Zhang, S., (2019), Modelling early Earth tectonics: The case for stagnant lid behaviour in Early Earth, in: Earth’s Oldest Rocks, ed. M J van Kranendonk, V. Bennett, E. Hoffmann; Elsevier, eBook ISBN: 9780444639028, 1112pp, 65-78.

61. O’Neill, C., Turner, S., Rushmer, T., (2018), The inception of plate tectonics: a record of failure, Philosophical Transactions Roy. Soc. A, 376 (2132), 20170414.

60. O’Neill, C., Zhang, S., Lateral mixing processes in the Hadean, (2018), Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 123 (8), 7074-7089.

59. O’Neill, C., Sighloch, K., Crust and mantle structure beneath the Azores hotspot – evidence from geophysics (2018), in: Volcanos of the Azores, Eds: C. Beier, U. Kueppers, Springer, p71-87.

*58. Lemenager, AS., O’Neill, CJ., Zhang, S., Evans, M., (2018) The effect of temperature-dependent thermal conductivity on the geothermal structure of the Sydney Basin, Geothermal Energy 6 (1), 6.      
57. O’Neill, C., Marchi, S., Zhang, S., Bottke, WB. (2017). Impact-driven subduction in the Hadean, Nature Geoscience, 10, 793-797.

*56. Lemenager, A., O’Neill, C., Zhang, S., (2016), Numerical Modelling of the Sydney Basin Using Temperature Dependent Thermal Conductivity Measurements, ASEG Extended Abstracts 2016 (1), 1-7.

55.  Lenardic, A., Jellinek, A. M., Foley, B., O'Neill, C., & Moore, W. B. (2016). Climate‐tectonic coupling: Variations in the mean, variations about the mean, and variations in mode. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 121(10), 1831-1864.

*54. Taneja, R., Rushmer, T., Blichert-Toft, J., Turner, S., & O'Neill, C. (2016). Mantle heterogeneities beneath the Northeast Indian Ocean as sampled by intra-plate volcanism at Christmas Island. Lithos, 262, 561-575.

53.  O’Neill, C., Lenardic, A., Weller, M., Moresi, L., Quenette, S., & Zhang, S. (2016). A window for plate tectonics in terrestrial planet evolution?. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 255, 80-92.

*52. Matthews, S., O’Neill, C., Lackie, M., (2016), A Monte-Carlo approach to constraining uncertainties in modelled downhole gravity gradiometry applications, Exploration Geophysics,

51. Zhang, S., & O’Neill, C. (2016). The early geodynamic evolution of Mars-type planets. Icarus, 265, 187-208.

*50. Weller, MB., A Lenardic, A., O'Neill, C., (2015), The effects of internal heating and large scale climate variations on tectonic bi-stability in terrestrial planets, Earth and Planetary Science Letters 420, 85-94.

49. O'Neill, C., Debaille, V., 2014, The evolution of Hadean-Eoarchaean Geodynamics EPSL Frontiers, 406, 49-58.

*48 Taneja, R., O’Neill, C., 2014, Constraining the age and origin of the seamount province in the Northeast Indian Ocean using geophysical techniques, Marine Geophysical Research, 35, 395-417.

*47 Taneja, R., O’Neill, C., Lackie, M., Rushmer, T., Schmidt, P., & Jourdan, F. (2015). 40Ar / 39Ar geochronology and the paleoposition of Christmas Island (Australia), Northeast Indian Ocean.Gondwana Research 28, 391-406.

46 Griffin, W.L., Belousova, E.A., O'Neill, C., O'Reilly, SY., Malkovets, V., Pearson, N.J., Spetsius, S., Wilde, S.A., (2014), The world turns over: Hadean–Archean crust–mantle evolution, Lithos, 189, 2-15,

*45 Hamacher, D., O’Neill, C., (2013), The discovery and history of the Dalgaranga meteorite crater, Western Australia, Australian Journal of Earth Sciences,

44 O’Neill, C., Lenardic, A., Coltice, N., Moresi, L., Mantle convection and outgassing on terrestrial planets, In: Comparative Climatology of Terrestrial Planets, (S. J. Mackwell et al., eds.), pp. 473–486. Univ. of Arizona, Tucson, DOI: 10.2458/azu_uapress_9780816530595-ch19, 2013.

43 O’Neill, C. Debaille, V., Griffin, WL., (2013), Deep Earth Recycling in the Hadean and constraints on surface tectonics, Am. J. Sci., 313(9), 912-932.

42 Debaille, V., O’Neill, C., Brandon, A.D., Haenecour, P., Yin, Q.-Z., Mattielli, N., Treiman, AH., (2013) Stagnant-lid tectonics in early Earth revealed by 142Nd variations in late Archean rocks, EPSL, 373, 83-92.

41 O’Neill, C,. Lenardic, A., Condie, K., (2013), Earth’s punctuated evolution: Cause and effect, In: Roberts, N. M. W., van Kranendonk, M., Parman, S., Shirey, S. & Clift, P. D. (eds) Continent Formation Through Time. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 389,

40  Griffin, WL., Sturt, BA., O'Neill, CJ., Kirkland, CL., O'Reilly, SY., (2013), Intrusion and contamination of high-temperature dunitic magma:  the Nordre Bumandsfjord pluton, Seiland, Arctic Norway, Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 165, 903-930.

39  Howell, D., O'Neill, C., Grant, K., Griffin, W., O'Reilly, SY., Pearson, N., Stern, R., Stachel, T., (2012) Platelet development in cuboid diamonds: insights from µ-FTIR mapping, Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, doi: 10.1007/s00410-012-0786-9, pp1-15.

38  Howell, D., O'Neill, C., Grant, K., Griffin, W., O'Reilly, SY., (2012),  µ-FTIR mapping: Distribution of impurities in different types of diamond growth, Diamond and related material, 29, 29-36.

37  O’Neill, C., (2012), Tectonothermal evolution of solid bodies: terrestrial planets, exoplanets, and moons, AJES, 59:2, 189-198.

*36 Danis, C., O'Neill, C., Lee, J., (2012), Geothermal state of the Sydney Basin: assessment of constraints and techniques, AJES, 59, 75-90.

*35 Danis, C., O’Neill, C., Lackie, M., (2012), Building 3D geological knowledge through regional scale gravity modelling for the Bowen Basin, Exploration Geophysics

34  Lenardic, A., Moresi, L., Jellinek, AM.,  O'Neill, CJ., Cooper, CM., Lee, CT., (2011), Continents, supercontinents, mantle thermal mixing, and mantle thermal isolation: Theory, numerical simulations, and laboratory experiments,  Geochem., Geophys. Geosystems 12(10), doi:10.1029/2011GC003663, Cited 13.

*33 Danis, C., O'Neill, C., Lackie, M., Twigg, L., Danis, A., (2011), Deep 3D structure of the Sydney Basin using gravity modelling, AJES, 58, 517-542.

*32 Schinella, E., C. O'Neill and J.C. Afonso, (2010). Processes forming volcanic topography at Atla Regio, Venus. Reviewed conference proceedings of the 10th Australian Space Science Conference, Brisbane, 2010, edited by Iver Cairns and Wayne Short.

31 O’Neill, C., Spiegelman, M., (2011), Formulations for simulating the multiscale physics of magma ascent, in: Timescales of magmatic processes: from core to atmosphere, Dosseto, A., Turner, SP., Van Orman, JA. (eds), Blackwell Publishing.

*30 Sandu, C ., Lenardic, A., O’Neill, C., Cooper, CM., (2011) Earth’s evolving stress state and the past, present and future stability of cratonic lithosphere, International Geology Review, DOI: 10.1080/00206814.2010.527672.

29 Condie, K., O'Neill, C., (2010), The Archean-Proterozoic boundary: 500 My of Tectonic transition in Earth history, American Journal of Science 310, 775-790.

*28 Danis, C., O'Neill, C., 3D thermal modelling versus down-hole temperature extrapolation in the Sydney-Gunnedah-Bowen Basin and the implications for targeting potential geothermal anomalies, ASEG Extended Abstracts 2010(1), 1-4,  doi:10.1071/ASEG2010ab030.

*27 O'Neill, C., Danis, C., Hassan, R., Quennette, S., Moresi, L., The application of geologically-constrained 3D heat conduction models to geothermal exploration, ASEG Extended Abstracts 2010(1), 1-3, doi:10.1071/ASEG2010ab032.

26 O’Neill, C., Kobussen, A., Lenardic, A., (2010), The mechanics of lithosphere-asthenosphere coupling, Lithos 120, 55-62.

25 Danis, C., O’Neill, C., Lackie, M., (2010), Gunnedah Basin 3D architecture and upper crustal temperatures, AJES 57, 483-505.

24 O’Neill, C. & Nimmo, F., (2010), The role of episodic overturn in generating the surface geology and heat flow on Enceladus, Nature Geoscience DOI:10.1038/ngeo731.

*23 Schinella, E & O'Neill, C. (2009). Convergence within the Wedges Region, Europa. Reviewed conference proceedings of the 9th Australian Space Science Conference, Sydney, 2009, edited by Iver Cairns and Wayne Short, pp 79-90.

*22 Danis, C.R. and O’Neill, C. (2009). The 3D basement and thermal structure of the Gunnedah Basin. In: Budd, A.R. and Gurgenci, H. (editors), Proceedings of the 2009 Australian Geothermal Energy Conference, Geoscience Australia, Record 2009/35.

21 Debaille, V., Brandon, AD., O’Neill, C., Yin, Q.-Z., Jacobsen, B., (2009) Isotopic evidence for mantle overturn in early Mars and its geodynamic consequences, Nature Geoscience 2, 548-551.

20 Condie, KC., O’Neill, C., Aster, R., (2009), Evidence and implications of a widespread magmatic shut down for 250Myr on Earth, EPSL 282, 294-298.

19 Begg, G., Griffin, W.L., Natapov, L.M., O'Reilly, S.Y., Grand, S., Hronsky, J., Poudjom Djomani, Y. O'Neill, C.J., Deen, T., Bowden, P. (2009), The lithospheric architecture of Africa: Seismic tomography, mantle petrology and tectonic evolution. Geosphere 5, 23-50, doi: 10.1130/GES00179.1.

18 O’Neill, C., Lenardic, A., Jellinek, AM., Moresi, L., (2009) Influence of supercontinents on deep mantle dynamics, Gondwana Research,  Special Issue on Supercontinent Dynamics, 15, 276-287.

17 O’Neill, C., Lenardic, A., Griffin, W.L. & O’Reilly, S.Y. (2008), Dynamics of cratons in an evolving mantle, invited paper for a Lithos special volume on continental volcanism, Lithos 102, 12-24.

16 Wyman, D., O’Neill, C. & Ayer, J., (2008), Evidence for Modern-Style subduction to 3.1Ga: A Plateau-Adakite-Gold (diamond) association, When did plate tectonics begin on Planet Earth?, Geol. Soc. Amer. Special Penrose Volume, Special Paper 440, Condie, KC., & Pease, V. (eds), 129-148.

15 O’Neill, C. & Lenardic, A., (2007), Geological consequences of super-sized Earths, GRL, 34, L19204 doi:10.1029/2007GL030598.

14 O’Neill, C., Lenardic, A., Moresi, L., Torsvik, T. & Lee, C.A. (2007), Episodic Precambrian subduction, EPSL 262, 552-562.

13 O’Neill, C., Jellinek, A.M. & Lenardic, A. (2007), Conditions for the onset of plate tectonics on terrestrial planets and moons, EPSL, 261, 20-32.

12 Lee, C.-T.A., Yin Q.-Z., Lenardic, A., Agranier, A., O’Neill, C., Thiagarajan, N., (2007), Trace-element composition of Fe-rich residual liquids formed by fractional crystallization: Implications for the Hadean magma ocean, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 71, 3601-3615.

11 O’Neill, C., Lenardic, A., Jellinek, A.M., Kiefer, W. (2007), Melt propagation and volcanism in mantle convection simulations, with applications for Martian volcanic and atmospheric evolution, JGR Planets 112, E07003, doi:10.1029/2006JE002799.

10 O’Neill, C. & Wyman, D., (2006) Geodynamic modelling of late Archean subduction: P-T constraints from Greenstone belt diamond deposits, Archean Geodynamics & Environments, Geophysical Monograph Series 164, 177-188.

9   O’Neill, C., Moresi, L., Müller, R.D., Albert, R.A. & Dufour, F., (2006), Ellipsis3D: a particle-in-cell finite-element hybrid code for modelling mantle convection and lithospheric deformation, Computers and Geoscience 32 (10) 1769-1779.

8   O’Neill, C., Moresi, L. & Lenardic, A. (2005) Insulation and depletion due to thickened crust: effects on melt production on Mars and Earth, Geophysical Research Letters, 32(14), L14305 10.1029/2005GL023150.

7   O’Neill, C. & Heine, C., (2005) Reconstructing the Wolfe Creek Meteorite impact: deep structure of the crater and effects on target rock, Australian Journal of Earth Science, 52(5), 699-709.

6   O’Neill, C., Moresi, L. & Jaques, L., (2005) Geodynamic controls on diamond deposits: Implications for Australian occurrences, Tectonophysics, 404, 217-236.

5   O’Neill, C., Müller, R.D. & Steinberger, B. (2005) On the uncertainties in hotspot reconstructions and the significance of moving hotspot reference frames, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 6, 4, Q04003, DOI 10.1029/2004GC000784.

4   O'Neill, C., Müller, R.D., Steinberger, B. (2003) Geodynamic implications of moving Indian Ocean hotspots, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 215, 151-168.

3   O'Neill, C., Moresi, L. (2003) How long can diamonds remain stable in the continental lithosphere?, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 213, 43-52.

2   O’Neill, C., Moresi, L., Lenardic, A., Cooper, K. (2003)  Inferences on Australia’s Heat Flow and Thermal Structure from Mantle Convection Modelling Results, In Evolution and Dynamics of the Australian Plate (eds. R. Hillis and R.D. Mueller).  Geological Society of America and Australia Joint Publication, Special Publication 22, Sydney, 163-178.

1   Müller, R. D., Mihut, D., Heine, C., O'Neill, C., and Russell, I. (2002) Tectonic and volcanic history of the Carnarvon Terrace: Constraints from seismic interpretation and geodynamic modelling, In: The sedimentary basins of western Australia 3, (ed. J. Gorter), Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia, Perth, 719-740.

© 2022 by Craig O'Neill.

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